Friday, March 26, 2021
Non fungible tokens
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Netflix After Parties
Friday, March 12, 2021
American Schadenfreude
There has always been a certain schadenfreude between America and Britain. We had Trump and they had Brexit. And now they have Meghan and Oprah and we have the 1.9 trillion dollar deal. It would take an American locale and an American talk show host to bring about the grief that the Brits have about the latest riff. It's not the first time that an American tv host embarrassed the Royal family. From the Crown, many of us remember Prince Philip's interview in the early sixties. Again, the monarchy was embarrassed.
Arguing over the dinner table over Trump with Grandpa can affect our inheritances. However, a light banter over the Oprah interview is harmless entertainment for Americans. Since the stakes are low (unlike in England) we can have hours of mirth talking about Harry and Meghan.
Editor's note: I am now one of those privileged Americans that have obtained a covid shot. In six weeks I can travel!
Monday, March 8, 2021
Covid: Oh what should we do?
I've been playing with the CVS covid vaccine site recently. You have to log in, hopefully at odd times, and wait til a "Fully booked" town turns into an "available" town and rush through the other parts of the process. So far, at the end no vaccine has been available. Reminds me of trying to score U2 tickets at Madison Square Garden.
Things are getting better, but Doctor Fauci warns to be cautious. Actually I have been eating in restaurants and this seems to have been a safe procedure, at least so far. In my own experience, doctors always espouse the more conservative (and lucrative for their practices) procedure. They tell you to stop drinking when you can get away with an occasional drink. They tell you to go to the dentist once every three months when you can get away with six month intervals. They give you a stress test every year when you can get away with one every three years. Most of us will listen to the good doctor's warnings but then fudge them a little bit. We learn that we can get away with things after the important people go home.
Editor's note: I am tired of looking at people getting shots. Please tv producers, we know what it looks like to get a shot and don't need to watch it anymore.