Sunday, February 13, 2022

The end of masking

Many governors are now ending the masking mandates for schools and stores. This is partially because the incidence of covid 19 is finally going down. Although this is obstensibly because of a desire to "follow the science" I suspect that governors and mayors wish to be re-elected and most Americans are just plain tired of the masks.

A real life example. We are driving on the road and we experience a sudden downpour of hail or rain. We pull over at the rest stop. We wait ten minutes. Ten minutes later we get back on the road. The weather is just as bad, but by now we are bored and hungry and tired of sitting in a car that is not going anywhere. Eventually, we say "hang it all, let's get back on the road, I'm tired of sitting around."

People are just tired of the masks. Even if they say on the television that we should still wear the things at a point we say "damn the torpedoes", let's take off the blooming masks.