Just came back from a Texas wedding. Never seen such folderol. Sparklers, matched tuxedos, limousines. I caught the garter belt.
I rented a GPS with my car to help me get from event to event. From airport to wedding rehearsal to wedding rehearsal dinner to wedding to wedding reception to wedding breakfast to airport in an unknown city required help. For anyone who has a lousy sense of direction like me, the GPS is the greatest thing since sliced bread. No more getting lost. You may think that the turn you are making makes no sense, but it always gets you to sites, at least in my experience.
I can remember as a kid planning trips my father with the AAA trip tix and maps. We would plan all the routes precisely. Maps all over the floor. Hours of planning would go into these trips.
On the trip though, we would still get lost. And then there would be the fights between dear Momma and dear Poppa over whose fault it was we missed the crucial turn. The GPS is a great marriage saver.
Back to the economy. Duh, I don't know. Some of the reports are positive, some not so positive. What the he--, a great time to buy a new home and a car.