An article in today's New York Times on people using clotheslines mentions that the recession and ecological considerations have brought back the treasured art of using solar clothing dryers. My mother always had clothes on the line in Hackensack when I was a tot. Today it is fashionable again.
I have a sweater dryer (above) in my bedroom to avoid using my electric dryer. I was warned by the Sears guy that my dryer was warped and I should only use small loads. The passive dryer seems to work well for small items. Because I have hard water though, the clothes are crunchy after they dry. The towels are quite invigorating in the morning.
Those of us who are veterans of putting quarters in laundry machines can relate to the clothesline I had strung in my former apartment living room. It looked like the one Lucy used for comic purpose in I Love Lucy. It always impressed my guests. I guess the revival of clotheslines is a sign of the times. Sort of like Twitter.
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