Saturday, June 15, 2019

Thoughts on Mad Men

Thanks to Netflix, I have finally watched all of the episodes of Mad Men. I didn't start watching the original show until around the fifth season, and by the that time it was in it's second and less illustrious path. It's a great show, part historic documentary of the advertising agency in its classic period, part social history, and part telenovela.

Here are some random thoughts on Mad Men.

1) It must be great working in an office with that much booze. Instead of coffee breaks the workers apparently got Scotch breaks.
2) Women are there for the pleasure of the men. They get coffee, handle personal errands and are there for erotic purposes when the need arises. A happier time.
3) It could be  a stressful. A random decision from a client could kill one's career.
4) Thanks to the poetry of Don Draper pitching a campaign, the American dream of prosperity through buying things almost looks like a noble cause.
5)Those long hairs and beards ruined a good thing.
6) Women slowly learned to get what was theirs, and not just by the capricious decisions of men.
7) Whenever a new company tries to buy the firm, the staff realizes that "better the devil you know" is a prudent policy.
8) The show is primarily a workplace show and wives, girlfriends, and children are distractions in search of the perfect ad campaign.
9)The most important relationship in the show is between Don and Peggy, who both knew that work and advertising was the heartbeat of life.
10) Robert Morse was always a treat in the show. Makes you want to view the movie "How to Succeed in Business without really trying". Loved when he sang a song after he died. Loved the way he made everyone take off their shoes before entering his office. Now that was power. Still he was a better boss than anyone else. "Better the devil you know".
11) High class restaurants in New York were boring.

Editor's note: The one bad thing about viewing the show on Netflix instead of the original tv series is you miss the commercials. Commercials on Mad Men were like the ones on the Superbowl. The ad agencies used it to show off their best stuff.

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