Monday, January 10, 2022

Secret Santa backfires


So I went to a Meetup Christmas party. They had a Secret Santa gift exchange. I got a truffles oil and flavor set. I was perfectly happy. Then the host noticed there was an extra gift that no one had received. Since my birthday is closest to Christmas, I got the extra Secret Santa package. It was a popcorn popper machine. 

Since my lady friend could not make the event because she was under Covid quarantine I offered her the popcorn maker, since she had already paid to attend the event. She said "I have enough junk in my house" and refused the popcorn popper.

A friend convinced me to use the popcorn popper myself, since un buttered popcorn is high in fiber, low in calories, and nutritious. Hence, I started using the popcorn popper. It worked well and the popcorn was pleasant as a snack. 

A few days later I bit into an old maid and broke my tooth and dislocated a filling next to my crown. Food kept getting caught in the new gap next to my lower bicuspid. I had to make a dental appointment.

Today I was recommended that I get a crown put over my tooth. With my dental insurance covering most of the cost, I still will owe six hundred dollars for my share of the work. 

I believe the cost should be divided equally. The organizer who gave me the popcorn popper should give me $200. The lady friend who did not want the popcorn popper should give me $200. The friend who recommended I should use the popcorn popper and eat the popcorn should pay me $200. To me this is fair. 

Editor's note: An old maid is the term used for an un-popped popcorn kernel. Today the term may be politically incorrect. 

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