Now it's time to start throwing out Christmas effluvia. As well as finding space on my limited table tops and cabinets for my new possessions. As a kid I remember taking down the Christmas tree while singing Christmas carols backwards. Anyhoo, here is a link to a stirring and moving poem I wrote about the end of the season.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Friday, December 29, 2023
How will 2024 work out
My predictions for December 31, 2023:
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Christmas grumbling
From a few years back, an oldie but goodie. This blog talks about the pleasure of giving cruel Christmas gifts.
Being on the receiving end of present giving, I would like to grumble about food baskets. They are fine in the corporate world but should not be hoisted on unsuspecting family members. The basket is too big and I never know what to do with them. They are filled with crummy confetti (comprising 90% of the volume of the basket) and the the sizes of the packages make an airline look generous.
Editor's note: Friday evening we will have the end of year stock numbers. Probably have my predictions out early Saturday. I know a lot of money managers rely on them. 😉
Christmas letters I still send out Christmas cards and having no spouse or children I am at a loss on what to say. Thankfully I travel and my travels at least give me something to recount on my Christmas card notes.
Friday, November 24, 2023
the Day After Thanksgiving
The day after Thanksgiving, now called "Black Friday," is one of America's half holidays. Some people get it off, some people don't get it off. The schools are off, some, but not all, businesses are off. Retail is open and most stores, at least the places I went to today, were extremely busy. The mall was jammed with people. Not just with lookey loos either, there were long lines to buy things at J.C. Penneys. J.C. Penneys! I thought it had died!
At the mall, I bought a couple of calendars, an easy holiday gift for people who are hard to buy for. And I got the second one for half price. The Chinese food was good and luckily, I found the last empty table in the food court.
I have many memories of this day. It was the day my mother took my brother and me to Radio City Music Hall on a bus where we saw a movie and the Rockettes Christmas Show. At my first job in a library I was put on the periodical desk where I was extremely busy pulling magazines. This day used to be very busy one in public libraries. The kids, home from university, would gather there and in the stores downtown and regale each other with college stories.
For families, the day after Thanksgiving can be a disjointed day. The kids are off, Daddy is off, but Mommy can be chained to her desk at the office.
In Denver I worked in an office where the fathers all came around on this day to collect Mommy's paycheck and the family had a quick lunch together in the cafeteria. I was entrusted with writing a column for the Denver branch in the house organ, Title Data Deeds I wrote in my little column how nice it was to meet all the fathers and children on the day after Thanksgiving. Quietly the next year the staff got that day off. I always attributed this change in the schedule to my witticism.
Editor's note: I never understood why libraries are now closed on this day.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Oh to have children
The other day I had a morning doctor appointment and I had to use the ice scraper to get my windshield clean. "Oh", I said, "To have a daughter. She would pick me up at home and whisk me to the doctor's and sit dutifully with me at the office. She would impress the other patients with her daughterly helpfulness. Last summer I looked out on my backyard and said, "Oh to have a son to mow the lawn".
As I stand in the kitchen cutting onions and peppers I say, "Oh I wish I had a daughter. She would have me over for dinner and fill my refigerator with leftovers for the next week." As I check the air in my tires I say "Oh, to have a son to do this for me!"
I talked to someone who has children. She hears, "Oh Mom can you help me with the rent? The dentist bill was higher than I thought." From her son she hears, "Oh Mom, Little Mary has her heart set on dancing lessons and could you help us out a little with this one? You'll be invited to her recitals."
I asked my friend if they helped with the lawn and the car. She asked me on what planet did I live on.
This morning I was woken up by the neighbor's barking Fox terrier. Oh to have a dog!
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
The Beatles and the Rolling Stones are back
I see that Paul is making more money. Calling back George and John from the dead to add to the discography Okay, the track isn’t bad by I suspect the two of them would not be happy.
The Stones have really gone hog wild on promoting their new album. It’s so weird to see them all over the tv. And they’re so nice! Personally, I like the old image of them pissing in gas stations and getting arrested. Even in the 70s there was a black curtain over their personal lives. Now Keith sounds like a retired fireman. Have only heard album in bits and pieces. Sounds okay. Nice to have Bill Wyman’s bass adding to the band. Thought the gospel thing with Lady Gaga is nice. At what you think is the end you get a “let’s just let the tape stay on” three minutes of coda. Picture is of the Stones new drummer, Steve Jordan. He was on David Letterman and SNL. Who knew?Saturday, November 11, 2023
Of smoke detectors, crickets, and fire codes
Last night I heard a beeping noise in my condo. It sounded like a smoke detector needing a battery but I was certain it wasn't since my smoke detector was now wired to the electricity and it was not beeping. I went to the source of the noise and decided I must have a cricket. I had a cricket in my place years ago so I sprayed my home office with roach spray and assumed by the morning I would have a dead, but quiet, cricket.
The following morning I heard the beeping sound again. I did a closer inspection of my home office and discovered an old smoke detector on a shelf that was making all of the noise. I had a spare battery and I installed it and it should be quiet again for another year.
A year ago I got a notice that I was due for an inspection from a representative of the state to test my smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. I have received these visitations in the past and the man would push the buttons on the things, they would beep loudly, and I would be home free for another five years.
This time, the man informed me that I was not in compliance since battery operated smoke detectors were no longer permissible in condos in New Jersey. They had to be hard wired to the electricity. Turns out there was wiring right above the smoke detector, but previous tenants had taken the easy way out and just put a battery-operated smoke detector in its place.
I went to Home Depot and bought a wired smoke detector. Coming into my place with a package containing my new smoke detector the inspector took pity on me and helped set up my new smoke detector. I put the old one on a shelf in my home office but kept the battery in. I completely forgot that it was there until it started beeping. I need to air my home office now because it smells like insect repellant.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Guy Fawkes Day
I just came back from a Day of the Dead celebration in Princeton. Before that there was Halloween. Fun in their own way, After looking at a couple You Tube videos I have decided that I would like to attend a celebration of Guy Fawke Day. November 5.
Apparently in small towns throughout Britain people march through the streets with lit broomsticks. There is a huge bonfire and revelry. I suspect a bit of alcohol consumption also. Perhaps in a British pub in New York there might be some commemorative?
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Thoughts on David Byrne
The Talking Heads and David Byrne have been getting a lot of media attention lately, inspiring me to listen to all my recordings and to recap my own recollections of the band and band leader. I first heard of the Talking Heads when I was living in Denver. Saturday nights on KGNU Boulder there was a series on the history of punk rock and new wave music. There I learned about Pere Ubu, Devo, the Ramones, and Talking Heads. There was also a record store I went to, Wax Trax, where you could listen to and buy singles by various new wave type artists.
The Talking Heads evolved into incorporating a funky world music sound, influenced by Brian Eno. It was when I saw the MTV video of Once in a Lifetime that I was first impressed by the band. Over the years I bought LPs Fear of Music, Little Creatures and at some point bought a bootleg of a live 1977 performance, In the mid-nineties I went to a party and Stop Making Sense was playing on the tv, I guess from a DVD. If the party got dull you could walk into the Talking Heads Room and then gravitate back to the kitchen for beer and potato chips.
My next exposure to David Byrne was in 2008 when I saw the exhibit Playing the Building in New York. I bought a poster then but I can't find it. It was sort of fun. There was a piano and everyone, including myself, got to play a few notes. After Covid, I saw American Utopia on Broadway and it was a great show.
I also bought the cd's Rei Momo and I found Feelings in a bargain bin somewhere. I also recently discovered in my collection a home made CD of Grown Backwards that I probably got as a gift. Not bad. One Christmas I got the Here Lies Love box set. It came with two cd's, one DVD and a book. It featured Florence (without the Machine), Steve Earle, Cyndi Lauper and lots of others. Now Here Lies Love is on Broadway. This project has always been a mystery to me. I don't care for the songs, except for the title number, and I never understood why anyone would care about Imelda Marcos. Old news.
I suppose the Latin influenced Rei Mono is my favorite David Byrne credited record. I also got the soundtrack of Stop Making Sense. Okay but the songs sound a lot like the studio recordings. At some point I acquired a Tom Tom Club record. The Tom Tom Club was hip for a brief period.
Now the critics are raving about the re mastering of the Stop Making Sense movie. It might be fun to see it in a theatre but I'm too lazy to go the places where it is showing. He was on Colbert recently and taught the tv host how to dance. For an autistic guy he seems to have developed his public social skills. He didn't mention the Stop Making Sence movie. Yesterday I turned on the tv and there was the entire Talking Heads also on Colbert. They didn't play although they were coerced to attempt it. Maybe it was because they haven't played together in eons and didn't want to embarrass themselves. Instead, they plugged the Stop Making Sense movie. Yesterday I noticed he plays the doctor in season two of Amy Schumer's Hulu show.
I almost forgot the book. Talking Heads by David Gans is a nice history and discography of the band as of 1985. You can get it used on Amazon. I probably bought it in a used bookstore. So those are my thoughts on David Byrne.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Dress codes
After the recent story on the dress code in the Senate. John Fetterman is again in the news. You may remember when I predicted he would eventually become our president. I am starting to see him as more as the eccentric in the Senate rather than presidential timber. I can remember saying Gary Hart was presidential timber back in the day.
Perhaps the Senate is not yet ready for hoodies after all. Reminds me of when they instituted a dress code at the government office I worked in. For years people came to work in jeans, boat pants, halter dresses and the like. Then when a Republican entered the governorship, we were given a dress code. no more halters, blood stained chinos, flip flops, or beach ware. We were to dress in business attire. The first week I noticed that the women wore old dresses they must have borrowed from their grandmothers. After a few weeks, people started to buy new clothes in keeping with the spirit of things. We were allowed to revert to our old ways on "casual Fridays". The joke was that "casual Fridays" had never existed before the dress code.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Spaghetti models
We have a new hurricane watch this week with Hurricane Lee. I was reading about the storm and kept coming across the word spaghetti model. Apparently, the lines that trace the storm resemble strands of spaghetti. I'm looking for tornados to be tracked with ravioli models and perhaps typhoons could be tracked with macaroni models.
Editor's note: With the writer's strike still ongoing, I will attempt to include jokes in future blogs as a means to ameliorate the lack of new humor on tv.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Not when I was a kid
Yesterday, I noticed the school buses in my town were emptying out after 1 PM. I guess the schools closed early because of the hot weather. This led me to a trip down memory lane of those happy days of my childhood.
Did my school dismiss kids early because of heat?
Did my school have air conditioning?
For the most part no.
Did my mother drive me to school because it was too hot?
Did my mother drive me to school because it was too cold?
Did my mother drive me to the school bus because it was raining?
Did my mother drive me to the library?
After I was twelve I had to take the bus to the dentist.
Why in my day......
I hope I'm not becoming a curmudgeon.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Should a man open the car door for a woman
Monday, August 21, 2023
U by the Incredible String Band
U is an album I bought in 1970 when some college friends were huge fans of the Incredible String Band and I got caught up in the fun. It has laid around in my record collection for eons, for thirty years never played. As part of my "rediscovering my albums" phase I recently listened to it from start to finish. Surprisingly I like it. It is a bit amateurish and some of the songs go on too long, but I find playing the album makes for a nice backround to reading or cleaning the floor. It has an eclectic blend of music, some of it influenced by Irish string bands. For some reason it can be listened to in its entirety on You Tube. One of the bad things about boomers is that they have enough old stuff that they don't really need to listen to the new stuff that is out today.
Editor's note: I talk about the Incredible String Band in my post on WBAI.
Monday, July 17, 2023
Being a hiking curmudgeon
I am lucky to have some nice parks nearby. Not just parks with swings and baseball diamonds but parks with wilderness trails. I can walk on the macadam trails but I prefer the wooded areas. They are more scenic, I get to see deer and chipmunks and I get to avoid listening to babies cry, fathers yellling at their sons and ladies complaining about their boyfriends and bosses.
The problem, at least in the summer, is that gnats follow me on the trail, and they are worse in the more rustic parts of the park. I read that they are attracted to baseball hats. I took off my baseball cap but soon discovered that they will come around my eyes if I'm hatless. Today I tried putting a permethrin spray on my hat. It didn't seem to help much. Going back to the Internet I found that the combination of a large hat and sunglasses may do the trick. I'll try that next.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Fourth of July in Colorado
Here is an oldie but goody. Happy Fourth of July
Editor's note: Apparently they are still having these.
Monday, June 26, 2023
A man for our time
This whole story should make a good movie. However, they should do something about his name. It may be hard to fit on the cover of Time's Man of the Year issue.
Editor's note: A tragic accident.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Help Sally find a liver
I came home from the store yesterday and found stuffed in my mailbox a one page flyer. On it read " Help Sally Find a Liver". I'd have to say that this was a new one. I've been asked for money so a man can ride a bus home, feed his sick mother, keep America well, and keep America well informed, but no one has ever asked me for a liver before.
I thought about it. I have become accustomed to my liver. It has served me well and I have not been an ideal partner. I like to drink and I'm sure beer, white wine and Jack has not been kind to my liver over the years. I'm afraid my liver might not even be that serviceable. Sorry but if you need a liver you will have to look elsewhere.
Monday, June 12, 2023
Saturday, May 27, 2023
the Phoenix Economy
I have gotten into the routine of listening to Slate Money every Saturday morning. Last week, the host, Felix Salmon, was promoting his new book. I find the show fun and informative and thought I'd take a chance on it and bought it on Amazon for my Kindle.
I have been expecting a series of books to start coming out on the pandemic. "September 11" and Afghanistan have produced a few good books, as well as a few forgettable coffee table dust collectors. This is the first book on covid, at least that I have noticed, that comprehensively deals with the economic, social and political ramifications of the disease.
The book is an easy read and has some information that I did not know. However, oftentimes, what is presented as fact is often closer to opinion. This book is full of Salmon's points of view. Although it tries to be somewhat encyclopedic in its breadth, I feel it shortchanges covid's effect on education. I also suspect some eyebrows were raised when he talks about the babysitting aspects of teaching.
Editor's note: Librarians also become unwilling babysitters.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Prince Andrew
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Ron DeSantis and the battle of trans rights
Friday, March 31, 2023
He was brought down by a woman
"History repeats itself, first as a tragedy then as a farce" Karl Marx
We are now entering the farce stage of the Trump saga. Brought down by a woman, Donald Trump will forever be linked in history to
Stormy Daniels. The next stage is beginning. I predicted riots on this day. I think I will be wrong. There will be some excitement, staged for the television cameras, but I suspect the Donald like the Harry is starting to wear on the short attention span of Americans. People are getting tired of the soap opera of Donald and Stormy like they are tiring of Harry and Meghan.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Cock fighting
Friday, February 17, 2023
Oh wow, UFOs
We've all been so excited. Aliens from outer space have been flying over Alaska and Canada. Different than the movies, though, they have been shot down before they could land. No scenes like when the alien comes out of the spaceship in The Day the Earth Stood Still. At least not yet. Biden claims they are neither Chinese spy vehicles nor aliens from outer space. Quien sabe.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Our treasured videocassettes
What do librarians do when they retire? They index their living rooms. Media in various formats are now all indexed in files based on which box they are in. At some point I realized I would have to view the old videocassettes to see what is on them. My old descriptions on the boxes had things like 90s tv or Nixon. I decided to view each one individually, looking for treasures and help put details on the listings.
Unfortunately I had not played the video player in a few years. What with Netflix and Hulu and all I rarely play DVDs, not to mention old videocassettes. The machine would not turn on. I dusted it, moved it to another plug and no luck. Finally I bought another videocassette player on EBay. When I got it a few days later it seemd to be in good shape. 1992, Sony, good reviews. Unfortunately it would not take my video RCA plug. I went to You Tube and found a video on my model and looked for answers. One guy recommended I buy a BNC to RCA plug converter. I went to Amazon and bought that and a two RCA plug to one RCA plug converter since the machine only had one audio output jack.
I got the converter jacks and lo and behold, they worked, and I could watch my old videos. Oops. Many of the videos are in poor shape. Many will have a black picture for minutes at a time before suddenly turning to a passable image. The audio seems to have held up better. A word to the wise. If you have 1990s era videos of families or First Communions on video make sure to look at them and then convert them to DVD or digital as soon as you can.
It is fun to look at old homemade videos. We wonder why our younger selves decided to push record and stop when they did. Some of the choices are interesting, if not all. So far I have seen the opening of the library handicapped elevator covered on local cable in 1992. I saw the Rodney King incident and followed the event, riot and speech by George Bush I. Football games, kids singing Christmas songs. Bill Clinton visiting a kindergarten. Interviews with Nixon, Jerry Brown, John and Yoko. The history of MacSorleys is on one video. Michael Palen in Peru. Of course my family at Thanksgiving is fun. I never realized I had such a loud family.
Monday, January 23, 2023
I don't have the ugliness gene
I remember when I was a sophomore in college and I was chatting with a young lady at the dorm. "My father dropped me off from home this morning and he told me that these dorms are so ugly that it literally makes him sick."
Until that second I thought Livingston College dorms were swell looking. I thought for a moment and said, "Oh yes modern government student housing has no sense of the ascetic. It's all cheaply and shoddily made." Of course I was trying to impress the lady with my perspicacity.
In a job I had I was setting up computer terminals with the power supply by the side. I was scolded because what I was creating was an eyesore. It was then I realized that I did not have an ugliness gene. Apparently, I have always been perfectly happy with a functional but ugly apartment, car, or workplace. I love paint stains on concrete and ugly flowered wallpaper. I love crappy bathrooms in ethnic restaurants. Someone might see the interior of my car and think, "How can he keep that crap in the backseat. Ugh."
Last week I went to a condominium meeting and this woman was complaining about a truck with a picture of a cow that is parked on the premises. "That's an eyesore!" she exclaimed. I had always thought the truck with the picture of the cow made the place look homey. It all comes down to the fact that I don't have an ugliness gene.
Friday, January 20, 2023
David Crosby dies at 81
David Crosby died yesterday He was 81. 81 I said?
David Crosby drank, took heroin, took cocaine, smoked, was overweight, and smoked a barn's worth of pot in his life. He drove a motorcycle and slept with hundreds of women. And he died at 81.
What's with all the things we are taught? Light on the booze, avoid drugs, and watch those calories. Balderdash. David Crosby did all the things we are not supposed to do and died at 81. Time for a trip to Vegas. I wonder how much I will have to pay for a pack of Camels.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
The Ironic in modern day streaming
The greatest generation truly believed in America. They struggled through the Depression, fought World War 2, married and bought homes in the suburbs in a supreme belief in the American way. Their children grew long hair, smoked pot, listened to rock music but ultimately believed in the hippie counterculture dream as exemplified by people like Wavy Gravy. At least until the mid 70s.
Generation X exemplified a rejection of the hippie counterculture and instead apes the lives of the greatest generation, but they do so ironically. Young people wear ties, but they do so ironically. They buy houses in the suburbs, but they live there ironically. Modern streaming cinema shows a life lived ironically.
I recently finished White Noise In this film/tv show Adam Driver and Greta Gerwig, veterans of the mumblecore era of film making, live in the suburbs and are married. However, they live their lives ironically. They love ironically. They live through disasters, but they do so ironically.
I think of all the shows I've been watching. Vanishing Act, Casual, the Worst Person in the World, Conversations with Friends. They can all be viewed ironically. People don't love, they love ironically, people don't raise children, they do so ironically. People don't care about their jobs, they work ironically. People buy 1950 style sofas that fit in their living rooms ironically.
I used to wear an ugly pair of plaid short pants. It was okay, though, because I was wearing them ironically. I need to wash the dishes that are collecting in my sink. Unfortunately, I won't be able to just wash them ironically.
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Things we keep hidden in our wallets
I was just reading how William assaulted poor innocent Harry over Meghan in the forthcoming book, the Spare. Apparently, a Spanish translation has been released early and was extrapolated. At last some underpaid journalist was rewarded for their high school Spanish.
Truth to be told, most younger brothers harbor secrets about their older brothers that they key deep in their wallets until the time is come when the information is useful. A younger brother observes his older brother smoking a cigarette or downing a can of beer in the lot across the street. He keeps it to itself until his mother yells at him for a different infraction. "But Samuel routinely drinks beer and smokes in the lot across the street and you never say a word. It just isn't fair!" Your infraction is forgotten and your older brother gets scolded.
A co worker takes away your admin privileges on the computers. You don't say a word. Then a staffer complains that records are being inputted incorrectly. You point out that you have noticed that your co worker is allowing a volunteer to input data. She made mistakes. Your co worker is scolded. The next week you are given back administrative privileges on the computers.
We all hold little secrets in our wallets until they may be useful. Caution, however, is advised. Nobody likes a tattle tale.