Saturday, May 2, 2020

May in the time of cholera

So now it's May. Here in New Jersey most parks are now reopened, including the neighborhood one near me. I was excited ( it doesn't take much to get excited about these days).  I no longer had to sneak into Pennsylvania for a hike. I wore my mask, as recommended, but discovered most people were not wearing them. Anyway it wasn't that crowded, except at the entrance near the pond.

I've discovered that connecting the mask flaps with a rubber band and wrapping the thing around my head is easier on my ears and makes the mask less likely to fall off. It almost fell off at the ShopRite yesterday and I was afraid of being arrested.

Walking in the park. Buying wine. Life's little pleasures in the time of cholera. I've noticed a group of mother's and kids are gathering together at the green area where I live. Looks like they are having fun. Hope they cleaned up the dog droppings.

One of the high spots of life today is watching the governor's daily briefings. Each governor is different. Andrew Cuomo reminds me of a college professor teaching calculus to reluctant freshman. California's governor is folksy. Murphy of New Jersey reminds me of a library director on his semi annual staff meeting. Congratulating the staff but reminding them to mind their p's and q's or their recently obtained privileges may be revoked.

Editor's note: Recently I discovered a Kindle book that may be fun for 99 cents. It follows an out of work librarian following Jack Keroauc's journey to Denver. It's called It must be the altitude.

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