Monday, October 4, 2021

Observations on the two types of children


There are two basic types of children. Middle class and working class. I can observe both types now that I am in my dotage and have time to watch the behavior of both of the sub-species of juveniles in the United States. 

The first type is the middle class child. This child is rarely sighted in most neighborhoods unless you watch very closely. At 7:30 in the morning they can be observed leaving their front doors and scampering into their parents cars. They are then whisked away only to return in the late afternoon or early evening. Then they can be quickly observed leaving the cars and entering the homes, with Mom in tow. Such children are never seen on the sidewalks with the exception of snow days. 

Working class kids can be seen and heard throughout the day. They are bicycling around the neighborhood. They play ball in the little field where people walk their dogs. If in their teens they can be heard into the night playing hip hop music on their portable music players. 

Apparently middle class children live inside of a bubble, never far from the watchful eyes of parents and other adults during school, dance classes and playdates. Unfortunately, the real world intrudes on these kids too, thanks to the Internet. 

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