1. South of the Border | Hamer, SC
I fully enjoyed South of the Border. Great food, cheap cigarettes and fireworks. What's not to love. I still have my souvenir from the place.
This over-the-top rest area in South Carolina sits just below the North Carolina border (hence the name) and marled the halfway point between Florida and New York back when people drove between these two cities. It’s still fun for kids who marvel at the massive sombrero and can sneak in a ride at the amusement park, but most adults grumble at the thought of stopping here for a photo underneath the giant Mexican hat or a souvenir.
2. The original Starbucks | Seattle, WA
The first Starbucks store along the cobblestone street near Pike Place Market is a mecca for coffee lovers patient enough to wait in line for basically the same coffee they could have at any other Starbucks. In fairness, this one carries limited merchandise available for purchase and serves pour-over coffee of a special proprietary roast. But, there’s still the issue of the line, which can snake around the block during peak hours.
Never been there, have gone to Starbucks when I needed to use the bathroom.
3. Plymouth Rock | Plymouth, Massachusetts
One of the more disappointing monuments on this list, Plymouth Rock is nothing more than a disenchanting boulder, says one Reddit user. The supposed site of the disembarkation of the Mayflower is a popular tourist attraction and is also frequented by nearby students on field trips. Apparently, feeling totally let down by this historical landmark is a rite of passage for most elementary school kids in New England.
Our family liked to travel. We saw Plymouth Rock and it was small but I'm glad I got to see it.
4. Southernmost Point | Key West, FL
The southernmost point in the continental U.S. is an unimpressive concrete buoy overlooking the ocean. It’s a necessary photo opp if you’re in Key West, but not worth seeking out if you’re in the Upper Keys. You’ll also see “90 miles to Cuba” written on it; the southernmost point is closer to Cuba than to mainland Florida.
Key West is definitely worth the trip, just to see the roosters on the streets and Hemingway's cats. I saw but was not impressed by the Southernmost Point.
The world’s only corn palace gets a new look with every crop season, decked out in corn and grains from the area and themed murals. The agricultural landmark showcasing the region’s bounty is also one of the finest basketball auditoriums in the country.
Never seen, probably never will.
6. Navy Pier | Chicago, IL
Perhaps this is worth visiting after you’ve seen and done absolutely everything there is to see and do in Chicago. There’s nothing of note, says one Reddit user, citing similar places like Fisherman’s Wharf at least have sea lions and other wildlife to redeem them.
I liked Chicago but have not seen the Navy Pier.
7. The Alamo | San Antonio, TX
Complaints about The Alamo compare to most bad reviews of places you’ve already seen on TV: it’s much smaller than expected. The historic Spanish mission is where the 1836 battle between Texas revolutionary forces and the Mexican army occurred. A significant site that some Reddit users still consider a tourist trap.
Went on a family trip. Actually glad I got to see it.
8. Mount Rushmore | South Dakota, SD
People visit the South Dakota site for its massive sculpture depicting U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The roughly 60-foot-high granite faces are a sight to behold…but also something you can Google. You might want to think this one through.
Never seen it. Probably never will, but it might be worth it.
9. Times Square | NY, NY
This one was up for debate as some defended the overrun region of New York City for its incredible theater and twinkling lights—quite a spectacle to behold at night. Sure, the souvenir shops are crap and the street performers can be shady, but there’s definite magic to the Great White Way.
You haven't been to New York unless you've ridden the subway and walked through Times Square.

10. Bourbon Street | New Orleans, LA
The debacharous strip is not for everyone, and several Reddit users consider it filthy and overrated. Still, if you’re looking for an epic party scene year-round—and on a grand scale come Mardi Gras—and massive frozen cocktails, there’s no better place than Bourbon Street.
It's been awhile but I did enjoy Bourbon Street and having a hurricane there. Love what Chuck Berry said about the place in his autobiography.
Another tourist trap I went to and enjoyed was Groman's Chinese Theatre with the handprints. Great place.