Monday, August 29, 2022

Its all about the schools

This year, in addition to inflation, school issues are expected to be on the Republican agenda in the November elections. With Trump's troubles, and the possible lessening of inflation and covid issues, our children's education will be a major source of election rhetoric. According to the campaign ads our innocent virginal children are being subject to liberal proselytizing on gays, blacks, and trans gender issues. 

When I was in school, the civil rights movement, homosexuality and certainly trans issues never came up in the classroom. Gays and transexuals were limited to the hotbeds of depravity that emanated east of the Hudson River. We did get a smattering of sex education in health class. I remember an embarrassed gym teacher drawing a picture of a woman's vagina on the blackboard. Mostly we were taught we should not drink, buy a car, or have sex while we were in high school.  

There was a minor protest among the hip kids in junior year and the principal consented by adding one class in black history as a senior year elective. There they learned about Martin Luther King and people of his ilk. 

My theory is that this interest in childhood education started with covid. Before covid the kids were trundled off to school and out of their parent's hair and the parents got the occasional report card indicated the kids were doing well enough to go to college. Parents had no idea what those teachers were teaching and they were as happy as clams. 

The trouble started when the kids were being taught online. Occasionally while watering the flowers or carrying the laundry Mom would glance at the home computer and see what the kids were learning at online school. One day she saw a picture of Martin Luther King. "Well I guess they have to teach them that" she says. The next day she glances at the screen and she sees Malcom X. "Malcom X!" Mother cries. In subsequent days she sees the Stonewall riots on the screen. Then she spots the words "transsexuals". "What! mother cries. I didn't know they were getting all this in school."

The Republicans now have a new selling point. They will shield the children of America from gay rights, transsexualism and radical Black dogmas. Mom and Dad will be scared. They may not pull their kids out of public school but they will vote Republican in November.

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