Sunday, November 1, 2020

Oh we have to reset the clocks again


Yuck, its non daylight savings time again. I have to run around the house setting the clocks back. Luckily the trick or treaters got to go out with an extra hour of sunlight this year because non daylight savings time begins on November 1.

Lots of computerized items did it for me. The computers, the cell phones, the Echo, the TV, even my Fitbit watch did that little procedure automatically. The old fashioned clocks had to be set manually. For these I had to find that little dial in the back and run it backwards. For years the atomic clock set itself automatically with the US Bureau of Standards in Boulder Colorado. I remember facing the clock towards the West to hasten it along. Nowadays it seems to have lost its connection and I have to push the set button and push the hour button. Same goes for the car clock and the oven clock.

I spent the most time setting the Beesy watch. This watch I bought as a backup for the Fitbit watch. You are supposed to set it with your cell phone but hours of trying have never been successful. I found the manual for the watch and figured out there is an old fashioned alternative that works for me. You have to bush the mode button, then hold the reset button for three seconds then push the start button to go to the correct hour. I also managed to move it from 24 hour to 12 hour mode. Hurray!

At my old job someone was cleaning out his office and he gave me an old 80s vintage clock radio. Setting the clock is tricky because you have to push the right buttons in back. You can do a fast forward or a slow forward. To get AM time you want the time without the dot next to it (which indicated PM). 

This morning the guy on the radio reminded me that now is a good time to change the battery on my smoke detector. I may be cheap but I figure why change a battery that is still good. Unless you are interested in selling batteries. 

For someone who is retired and doesn't have to be at work at a certain time I have a lot of clocks. At least now they are running on non daylight savings time. Brighter in the morning but an early dusk. 

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