Monday, November 23, 2020

Schools vs bars


As we enter the next phase of covid 19, in many states the schools are being closed again and on-line education has resumed. To the consternation of many, however, bars in most states have remained opened. Perhaps with the caveat that people are drinking in tents outdoors or in cute little tables near the bar.

You hear the cries.  "Why is  a man's right to get sloshed in a bar more important that the right of my child to go to school?" Like many things, the income that states derive from sales tax make the states reluctant to close profit making institutions, especially with no federal money forthcoming. A dollar is a dollar. 

Perhaps a compromise is in order. Children could be allowed to go to bars.  There they could be instructed by the waitresses on history and English. For math they could be taught by the bartender. He could demonstrate, for example, how much vermouth goes into a Martini and then ask how many ounces of vermouth would be needed to serve four customers. Perhaps alcohol units in liquor could be converted to proof levels. The speed that ice melts in a glass could be used to demonstrate the laws of physics. Pool can demonstrate Newton's principles. 

A day at the bar could be an educational experience for the children.  Talking to bar customers would be useful for them. It would teach them about life. They could see Trump voters firsthand. They could be taught conspiracy theories. There are many things that all of us, young and old, can learn from hanging out in bars.  When the kids get older and look back on these times they can say, "I learned more sitting in a bar than I ever learned in a classroom."

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